
We help blind and visually impaired individuals stay in their homes and out of institutions.

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Thank you for considering Sierra Services for the Blind in your giving plan!

Recurring donations of any amount are also appreciated and the back bone of any organization.

We are 100% self-funded and your donation is 100% tax-deductible (94-2760029).

Please be sure to include your address with your donation so we can send you a letter for tax purposes.


Why is Sierra Services for the Blind getting involved?

This year we are asking to be remembered while you are planning your end of the year donations. We hope you will also consider a re-occurring monthly donation. Your donation helps us sustain the counseling, transportation and education services that we provide in the community. According to a national survey of blind services, we are the only organization in the nation who services the blind and visually impaired in a rural community. Furthermore, we are 100% self-funded. We rely on the community we serve to keep the doors open and the lights on.

How can you help?

Donate! Donations are accepted through our website above by clicking the red DONATE button. You can also call in a donation at (530) 265-2121 or mail it in to 546 Searls Avenue, Nevada City, CA 95945.

We hope you include us in your Holiday giving. We are a 501c(3) non-profit agency. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your continued support of Sierra Services for the Blind.

P.S. #GivingTuesday is also about random acts of kindness and volunteering your time. We are always looking for volunteer drivers. If you are interested is helping us with your time please call Melissa at (530) 265-2121.


WHY you should contribute to Sierra Services for the Blind?

  • Your donation will directly benefit a specific human need with in our local community (blind and visually impairment)
  • We are a small, local non-profit providing an essential human service. Your contribution stays local and circulates the community 6 times on average
  • All donations are tax deductible at the State and Federal level

WHAT does your contribution accomplish?

  • Transportation for our clients to and from doctor's visits, pharmacy, peer groups and all of our client related events
  • Education as the individual makes their adjustment to vision loss
  • Socialization for our clients – our peer groups and other events get people with the same disability issues together and out of the house as participating members of our community
  • Provides access for our clients with other programs like the Talking Book system provided by NLS,  California’s CTAP phone program, Meals on Wheels and other local programs
  • Advocacy when they find they are unable to negotiate a personal issue
  • Please see our SERVICES PAGE for more information on what we do

HOW can you contribute?

  • MONETARY DONATIONS - Your monetary, tax deductible donations are appreciated. Public support is critical to our program.
  • BECOME A VOLUNTEER DRIVER - We are always in need of volunteer drivers to help get our clients to doctor appointments, peer groups and our other events.
  • ATTEND ONE OF OUR FUNDRAISERS OR BECOME A MEMBER – You can find more information about this by going to our FUNDRAISING/MEMBERSHIP page.
  • DONATE VISUAL AIDS –We have a lending program where we get visual aids into the hands of someone who could use them. CCTV’s, flat screen monitors/TV’s, magnifiers, talking devices, etc.
  • PLANNED GIVING – This type of giving allows the agency a more dependable platform of giving. A tax deductible donation of $100 each month becomes $1,200 a year. Just as $20 a month becomes a $240 in a year. Annual and quarterly donations are also significant. Recognition in Estate Planning is a major contribution which sustains us. Contact Richard at (530) 265-2121 to learn more about this.